Delta 11 THC is one of the rarer cannabinoids to enter the market, and a lot of people are unsure of its psychoactive potential – especially since it’s commonly confused with 11-HXY THC, a compound that’s ultimately completely different from delta 11. The question is, what happens if you take too much of delta 11 THC? Is it dangerous, and is there anything you can do to counteract any potential side effects?
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Delta 11 THC: The Basics
Delta 11 THC is a naturally occurring, very trace cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. It’s different from 11-HXY THC (11-hydroxy tetrahydrocannabinol), which is a metabolite produced by the liver when we ingest delta 9 THC, through edibles. Delta 11 THC is one of the least understood cannabinoids because of a lack of published research and data. But, what has been said is that it’s 3 times as intoxicating as delta 9 THC, so keep that in mind when it comes to dosing.
Is it Dangerous to Take Too Much Delta 11 THC?
First, let’s make one thing clear: no one has ever died from taking too much of a Delta 11 THC. These compounds are nontoxic to the body, and thus, are not associated with life-threatening side effects. Similarly, no one has ever experienced permanent damage to their health because they took too much of a cannabinoid. So, you don’t have to worry about that, thankfully. However, there will naturally be a risk of side effects if you take too much delta 11, or just about any cannabinoid, which are going to be short-lived and generally mild.
Common Ways to Take Too Much Delta 11 THC
When we talk about taking too much of a cannabinoid like delta 11 THC, it’s important to point out that there are a few ways in which the body can end up absorbing more of the cannabinoid than what a person’s body is prepared for. Let’s elaborate.
Too High of a Delta 11 THC Dose
Of course, the most common way to take too much delta 11 THC is to take a higher dose than what’s recommended. This is why we always urge customers to read the label of the product, where you’ll find dosing directions.
Not Understanding Your Tolerance
If you’re someone with a low tolerance to THC, due to inexperience or naturally tolerating lower amounts than the average person, then even a standard dose may be too high for you. If you know that your tolerance is low, take half the recommended amount of delta 11 THC as a first-timer.
Taking Delta 11 THC Edibles
Some people are more sensitive to the effects of edibles, in particular, than others. Delta 11 THC edibles also produce the longest-lasting effects, so any potential side effects that come from taking too much could last longer than what you were prepared for.
Edibles produce different effects from other products, because ingesting cannabinoids causes the liver to produce metabolites that enter the bloodstream and behave differently from the cannabinoid itself. People can be more prone to paranoia when taking a cannabinoid via ingestion.
Dabbing Delta 11
Dabbing refers to vaporizing concentrates, and concentrates are naturally going to be extremely potent – after all, it’s in the name. Unless you have a high tolerance to THC compounds like Delta 11 THC, avoid dabbing, as it’s very, very easy to get too high.
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What Happens if You Take Too Much Delta 11 THC?
Now that we know that taking too much delta 11 THC isn’t necessarily dangerous, let’s go over the side effects that can occur, so you can know what to expect.
You Might Experience Anxiety and/or Paranoia
It’s normal to feel anxious and/or paranoid when you’re too high with Delta 11 THC, as this is a side effect associated with all forms of THC. Scientists still don’t fully know why this side effect occurs in some people more than others, but it has to do with THC’s effects on neurotransmitters in the brain.
You Might Get Cottonmouth and Bloodshot Eyes
Two harmless and extremely common side effects of most cannabinoids including delta 11 are cottonmouth (excessively dry mouth) and bloodshot eyes, both of which go away on their own.
You Might Feel Lightheaded and Get “Green Out”
Something that beginners in particular can experience is “green out,” which is caused by a drop in blood sugar that results from taking too much of a Delta 11 THC compound. This can lead to feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, and an increase in heartrate. Again, it’s not actually dangerous, so our recommendation is to just lay down and wait it out.
You Might Feel Sleepy/Sluggish
A lot of cannabinoids including Delta 11 THC are associated with drowsiness, and for some people, that can actually be a benefit if they’re trying to relax at nighttime. Just keep in mind that you might be a bit sluggish for a few hours.
You Might Feel Forgetful
Being too high with delta 11 THC can make it difficult to concentrate, and you may find that you’re forgetting things that were in your mind just moments ago, struggling to retain your thoughts and focus.
You May Get the Shakes
In rare cases, you may get the shakes from taking in too much delta 11 THC. This is not a cause for concern, but a nervous system response to being too high.
Is There Anything You Can Do if You’re Too High?
So, are there any actual remedies, should you get too high? Here are our recommendations.
- Wait it Out: We know it sounds obvious, but simply wait a few hours until you’re back to “normal,” and know that you’re not actually in any danger regardless of how you feel.
- Drink Some Coffee: The synergistic relationship between caffeine and THC means that a cup of coffee could potentially help you feel a little more grounded and “normal.”
- Consume Some Citrus: Some cannabis users swear by citrus when they feel too high, because of the limonene in citrus fruit – a terpene that can balance out the heavier effects of THC.
- Take Some CBD: CBD is known to mellow out the high of THC, as the two cannabinoids share a close synergistic relationship with one another.
Getting Too High Isn’t Dangerous, But it Can Be Uncomfortable
Ultimately, you can take as much delta 11 THC as you want and not worry about any life-threatening effects. But, most people want to avoid getting too high, because even the mild side effects can be unpleasant.
The best thing you can do is stick to the recommended Delta 11 THC dosage on the label of the product, take your tolerance into account, and know that if side effects do come up, you’re going to be just fine in a few hours at most.
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