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8 Severe CBD Oil Side Effects For Dogs

You might know that CBD has a plethora of benefits and side effects for humans. However, CBD for dogs works through the same receptors as it does for humans. Therefore, there is bound to be possible side effects for your furry friend if they are using CBD. 

In terms of benefits, CBD has many great benefits for dogs. CBD is a much safer option for our pups to help them take care of common issues that weigh them down. Treating your loyal companion with CBD may help them overcome anxiety, reduce pain from cancer or inflammation, and even helps with seizures. That’s a whole list of possible health benefits for your dog if they CBD oil designed for Pets.

However, just like other possible treatment options, there is a possibility of some side effects. The good news is, CBD has been hailed to be the treatment option with the least number of side effects. The bad news is, the possibility of side effects is always there depending on the individual dog.

Variables such as male or female, size of your dog, and age all play major roles in how much CBD you should give your dog. Discuss with your vet the proper dosing for dogs. Usually 150mg CBD is best for dogs under 20lbs, 300mg CBD is best for dogs 20-40lbs and 600mg is best for larger dogs over 40lbs. In terms of side effects alone, your dog might experience any of these eight.  To learn more about how to use CBD oil for dogs click here.

Let’s take a look at these 8 side effects list of CBD oil for dogs

Side Effects CBD oil dogs sleeping drowsiness


Taking CBD for your dog can help with fear caused by anxiety or panic. You may notice your dog showing symptoms of anxiety, including whining, trembling, or spontaneous urination. One of the more common causes of anxiety in your dog is separation anxiety. They are pack animals who don’t like being left by themselves. They also can suffer anxiety due to illness or other just have generalized anxiety. There are a few studies show the benefits of CBD for dogs, which includes the ability to help alleviate anxiety in dogs. Unfortunately, some dogs may get so relaxed to the point where they get drowsy. 

Depending on how lethargic your dog gets when they’re drowsy, you may want to speak to your vet about dosing. Your dog should not sleep for more than 10 total hours a day. If you notice them not being active between naps, then it may be a side-effect of CBD. When your dog is awake, then it should be active and full of energy, so seeing an abnormal amount of lethargy in your pup is a side-effect you shouldn’t ignore. 

Sleeping too much can cause weight gain and other health issues with your dog. It may also mean that your dog is taking too high a dose of CBD, even if it is helping. You may likely receive the same results and benefits if you decrease the dosage to a point where you notice your dog behaving normally again

Dry Mouth

It might be pretty gross when your dog is slobbering their saliva everywhere, but saliva is actually important for dogs. It helps with everything from their dental hygiene to swallowing their food. When saliva production in your dog suddenly stops, it can affect their teeth and gums, cause bad breath, and make it painful for them to swallow. 

Dry mouth may also cause excessive thirst in your dog as they’ll try to compensate for the lack of saliva by trying to drink a lot of water. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is more of a band-aid fix than a real solution. If your dog is showing dry mouth because of CBD, we suggest either decreasing the dosage or stopping altogether. At least long enough to notice if the dry mouth goes away. If it does you should use a lower dosage or stop giving your dog CBD. If it does not, we strongly suggest speaking with a vet for the best advice for dry mouth. 

One tip you should consider, is brushing your puppy’s teeth more often to keep them from developing oral issues. It could cost a little more to have more regular dental checkups to prevent any diseases in the mouth. While dry mouth is a common side effect of CBD in dogs, you’ll want to talk to your vet if you have any concerns or your dog’s mouth is excessively dry.

What are the side effects of CBD treats oil for dogs


Dogs occasionally make themselves dizzy spinning around and running around when they have extra energy. That is normal. However, if you find that your pup is taking CBD, and is constantly dizzy without expending any energy, then you may need to look at CBD as the culprit. Dizziness is a common side effect of CBD in dogs and other animals, but what are the signs that your dog is dizzy?

Your dog might have a hard time standing up. Dizziness in dogs may look similar to the signs in humans and other animals. Imagine the dizziness you feel if you get up too quickly from a lying position. That may be normal the older the dog is, but if you see them having trouble standing at all, then they may be suffering from dizziness. Another common sign of dizziness in dogs and other animals is well, falling. 

Do you know those times where you feel like you’re about to pass out and fall over due to dizziness? Well dogs do this too. If you see them falling over, then it could be a sign of dizziness caused by CBD. You’ll want to talk to your vet if you see any other telltale signs such as coordination issues or possible issues with their eye movement.

Dizziness in dogs after taking CBD is very possible, especially if the CBD has trace amounts of THC in it. Which is not a great idea, especially if the dosages are high. The benefits of THC are fairly researched in humans. However, the benefits to dogs are fairly unknown, and most research points to the possibility of negative side effects of THC used for dogs. Dizziness is one possible side effects. 

To see CBD for dogs without THC (THC-Free) click here


One of the worst and most gross possible side effects of CBD in dogs is diarrhea. However, it can be difficult to determine if diarrhea in your dog is caused by CBD or just the fact that they eat almost anything that they discern is edible. Which is a problem with my German Shepherd, and most dogs I have ever had… One of the ways to see if CBD is the cause of your dog’s diarrhea is to remove all other possible variables from the equation. 

One idea is put your pup on a strict diet that they are used to, and see if the diarrhea goes away. If it does go away, and then comes back when you give your dog CBD then there is a good chance your dog’s body is not a fan of CBD. If you see almost no correlation, this may mean the diarrhea is can possibly be an underlying health issue, and you should consult a veterinarian. As with all CBD side effects list for dogs.

Unfortunately, diarrhea alone in dogs can cause its own range of health complications. If your dog suffers from constant diarrhea, then it could lose considerable weight, be fatigued more often than normal, lose their appetite, and maybe even suffer bouts of vomiting. Much like humans with diarrhea, dogs will also be dehydrated which can cause its own list of issues. 

What to do for CBD oil side effects for my dog puppy diarrhea drowsiness

You’ll want to make sure your dog’s water bowl is constantly filled with clean water to prevent dehydration caused by diarrhea. If that’s not enough, then you’ll want to take to your vet about mixing other substances into your dog’s water such as broth or Pedialyte. Talk to your vet if you are concerned about your dog’s diarrhea

Of course, before you start your furry friend on an alternative treatment such as CBD, you’ll want to discuss these options with your vet. You also don’t want to assume that just because your dog can take CBD, that your cat or other animals you own can take the same CBD as well. Make sure that before you talk to your vet that you read various articles about CBD and write down any questions you have to discuss with your vet because not all CBD products are the same. However, despite these side effects, CBD is one of the safest options for your furry loved one.


Along with diarrhea, vomiting is a possible side effect of CBD for dogs. Your dog may not like the taste of CBD itself since CBD is bitter. However, vomiting might just be a possible side effect of CBD in pups. Studies are limited, but there is a bit of anecdotal evidence showing this. We still suggest discussing with a vet to see if CBD is the cause of vomiting in your dog. 

Increased Parkinson Disease Tremors

As found from Human studies, there is a possibility that CBD can increase or even worsen tremors caused by Parkinsons in people. Therefore, you may assume that it is possible dogs go through the same thing. With this assumption, we strongly recommend only using small doses of CBD for your pet. And to keep increasing until benefits are noticed. We suggest not increasing, and definitely monitor your pups reaction. 

how to know the right dosage for dogs using CBD oil treats

Inhibition of Drug Metabolism

CBD is known to act similarly to grapefruit by inhibiting the production of liver enzymes, which may interfere with drugs for humans. More specifically, CBD can make medications and drugs more potent in the liver. The metabolizing of drugs can become multiple times for potent, therefore being potentially dangerous and deadly. This is a potential issue for dogs, and an even more potential problem for cats.  


Itchiness has been mentioned Anecdotally as a possible issue caused by CBD oil used with dogs. 


If you are looking for CBD for dogs, Binoid CBD is where you can find them. We carry the best hemp-derived products that may help your dog of every size. Small, medium or large size dogs are differentiated by dose. Again, watch out for these side effects when you give your pup CBD oil, and discuss with a vet before giving your animal any products.

Buy CBD made for dogs and animals here: