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How To Get The Most Out Of Your THC-H Cannabinoid Product

THC-H, or tetrahydrocannabihexol, is causing quite a stir on the hemp market, as it promises to be the second most intoxicating cannabinoid naturally derived from the hemp plant.  People also report feeling intensely euphoric while under its glorious spell, only adding to its already undeniable appeal. 

If the idea of a powerful psychoactive high excites you, then you’ll need to consider these tips below, whether you’re a hemp newbie or someone who’s tried every psychoactive hemp derivative under the sun.


For New Users

If you’ve never taken THC-H before, here are some tips for guaranteeing the best experience with this new cannabinoid.

#1: Know Your Tolerance

The first thing you need to consider when taking any new intoxicating cannabinoid is your tolerance.  This has to do with how much you’ve taken psychoactive cannabinoids in the past, along with how your body just naturally responds to this type of compound.  For instance, if you find that delta 8 THC gets you very high, you’ll probably want to go with a milder THC-H product, because delta 8 is already a lot milder than THC-H.  If you can take high doses of THC-P, then THC-H shouldn’t be all that overwhelming to the system.

#2: Choose Your Delivery Method

Yes, you will also want to carefully consider the THC-H delivery method, since each one produces its own type of high.  

  • If you choose to go the THC-H vaping route, you’ll be able to enjoy a high that kicks in within just minutes, and lasts for about 1-3 hours, with distinctively potent effects compared to other delivery methods.  
  • With a THC-H tincture, you’re in for a high that’s felt within about 45-60 minutes and lasts for 4-6 hours, being a bit milder than vapes.  
  • Then, there are THC-H edibles, most often found in the form of gummies, that besides being delicious, deliver a high for up to 8 hours (with a 2 or so hour onset time), and produce the strongest body high of all.

#3: Pick a Strain (if Applicable)

If you’re buying a THC-H product that comes in a variety of strains, such as a vape, you’ll want to consider each strain carefully, since each one offers a different type of high.  Indica and indica-dominant strains will give you more soothing effects, with a more pronounced body high that can, in some cases, cause couchlock, which may or may not be compatible with what you’re trying to feel. 

Sativa and sativa-dominant strains are the opposite, giving you a feeling of being uplifted, and even motivated and sociable, or creative.  Then, there are balanced hybrid strains which give you something in between the two.

#4: Dose Wisely

THC-H is extremely potent in terms of how high it can get you, so you want to go easy the first time you take it, even if you’ve played around with other intoxicating cannabinoids in the past.  Basically, you never know how a cannabinoid will affect you, so you want to follow the recommended dosage on the label of the product the first time, to be safer than sorry.  As you continue to take the product, you can always increase the dosage amount.

#5: Be Aware of When You Take It

Consider when you’re going to take such a strong cannabinoid, as well.  For instance, trying a new, very intoxicating cannabinoid for the first time before a work meeting may not be a good idea.  Ideally, you should save it for when you have a few hours with no real responsibilities, so that you don’t have to worry about getting too high before something important.  Of course, you should also never drive with THC-H in your system.

#6: Make the Most of the High

Cannabinoids are meant to be savored, so consider clearing your schedule completely and choosing to do something that you love once the high kicks in.  THC-H is considered to be very euphoric, so it can make any activity that’s already enjoyable all the more satisfying.  Pick something that makes you happy, like your favorite movie or videogame, or a walk through the park, to allow yourself space to enjoy every minute of the high, and a chance to sit back and observe its distinctive effects that make their way through your body and mind.

#7: Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Finding a THC-H product that you absolutely love is great.  But, we don’t recommend stopping there.  There are countless ways to enjoy the effects of this fabulous cannabinoid – through different delivery methods, dosing amounts, strains and so on – so don’t be afraid to really experiment with different THC-H products that are out there, or even to mix and match different cannabinoids together to see how they affect you – such as a little bit of THC-H with a side of delta 8 THC, etc. 

For Experienced Users

If you’ve taken THC-H before and want to get more out of it, follow these tips below.

#1: Take It With Another Psychoactive Cannabinoid

We talked before about mixing cannabinoids, and how different cannabinoid combinations can offer something truly special, as a one-of-a-kind psychoactive experience.  If you’re an experienced THC-H user, consider taking the cannabinoid with something also very intoxicating, like THC-P or HHC-P, etc., for a high that’s truly unlike any other.

#2: Try Dabbing It

Although THC-H dabs don’t seem to be readily available yet, they will be, and they act as a great way to enjoy the cannabinoid more potently than ever before.  THC-H concentrates are by nature concentrated, meaning that the effects are stronger than any other product type, and only really suitable for someone with a very high tolerance.  Even as an experienced THC-H user, we recommend going easy when dabbing.

#3: Take It with Flower

Try taking THC-H with infused flower, like delta 8 flower or THCA flower.  The combination of a full spectrum, psychoactive hemp product like flower, paired with the effects of THC-H, can really go above and beyond to satisfy your hemp cravings as someone with a good tolerance to tetrahydrocannabihexol.

#4: Take It Before a Social Event

If you’re comfortable with how THC-H makes you feel, consider taking it before a party or other social engagement.  The strong euphoric effects can turn you into the life of the party, and help you feel more present while you enjoy the company of others.

Enjoy THC-H to the Fullest, as a Newbie or a THC Veteran 

Tetrahydrocannabihexol truly is a potent cannabinoid, acting as a serious force to be reckoned with even if you’re a seasoned cannabinoid enthusiast.  The key is knowing how to buy the right product and start a routine with it in order to maximize all of its wondrous potential.  By following these simple tips above, you will be able to unlock the key to THC-H bliss, regardless of your psychoactive experience level.